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Soil4Climate was founded in 2015 by Karl Thidemann, a chemist, and Seth Itzkan, an engineer and environmental futurist. (See our Founders Page). Both are lifelong environmentalists, and when they heard Allan Savory's ideas, they realized that restoring soils was a key to climate stabilization. Since then, Seth and Karl have produced numerous interviews with soil scientists and policy experts, compiled a science compendium on holistic grazing, built a Facebook group with over 35,000 members, spoken at conferences and universities around the globe, and donated tens of thousands of dollars to support regenerative grazing and agroforestry projects in East Africa.
Soil4Climate is a US-based 501C3 non-profit charitable organization that focuses on advancing the science, policy, and practice of soil restoration as a climate solution around the globe.
Soil4Climate brings attention to the community of researchers, producers, legislators, entrepreneurs, and concerned citizens working in regenerative agriculture and soil carbon enhancement.
Soil4Climate supports regenerative grazing and agroforestry projects in multiple countries in East Africa, including Maasai herders in Kenya and Tanzania.
It maintains a compendium of peer-reviewed research, a technical brief on soil carbon accrual via grazing, and a database of soil legislation. Learn about our founders.
Soil4Climate’s Facebook group has 35,000 members, including many of the most respected voices in the field. In a typical month in 2022, the Soil4Climate Facebook group has around 2.5K posts. Worldwide interested parties have viewed our posts over 145K times, helping to advance the messages for soil carbon enhancement! Join us!
Soil4Climate Inc., PO Box 332, Thetford Center, Vermont, 05075 Incorporated in Vermont | EIN: 81-1282515
Soil4Climate is an equal-opportunity employer. We shall not discriminate and will not discriminate in employment, recruitment, board membership, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant based on race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, or any other discriminatory reason.
We earned a 2023 Silver Seal of Transparency! Check out our updated #NonprofitProfile on @CandidDotOrg.
P.O. Box 332, Thetford Center, Vermont 05075, USA
This engaging music video inspires hope for the climate movement and the power of soil to capture carbon to reverse global warming. The accompanying song, Brand New Sky, -- an original composition -- is the anthem of the Soil4Climate organization.
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Kindly support Soil4Climate's campaigns for regenerative agriculture in East Africa. These provide food security where it's needed most while mitigating the impacts of global warming.